Natural Gas & Oil

Ensuring a Predictable Supply

Constellation owns and operates three dual-fuel facilities, including Eddystone Generating Station, Perryman Generating Station and West Medway Generating Station II. Their electricity generating units are valuable for their ability to run on either clean natural gas or oil, particularly during periods when price fluctuations and fuel availability could lead to power supply shortfalls.

When there’s a cold snap—or worse, weather effects from a polar vortex—natural gas supply may not always meet demand. Natural gas supplies will generally be allocated to heating homes and businesses first. Constellation may then exercise the option to switch to fuel oil to meet our commitments to operate when promised.

We support local communities and causes with charitable giving and sponsorships—typically driven by our employees. Constellation contributed $5.6 million to 709 organizations in 2020, and employees donated an additional $5.2 million and committed 52,885 volunteer hours across 34 states.

Learn more about Constellation’s commitment to the community

All Generation facilities employ sophisticated emergency response plans to protect public health and safety. Plans are reviewed and approved by state governments and federal regulatory agencies. This emergency planning includes coordination with local and municipal officials, volunteers, and first responders.

To protect the safety and health of our employees, contractors, customers, and communities, we’ve implemented a number of initiatives to promote safe behaviors both on and off the job. These include a safety behavior observation program and focused initiatives on areas of high risk. We offer safety training, which is integrated with leadership development programs for supervisors and managers, as well as new employee orientation. A safety peer group identifies successful pilot programs or new practices that can then be adopted by the entire organization.