
Invoicing & Payments

Invoicing & Payments FAQ

Below are the most common questions we receive from our suppliers. If you have a question that’s not here, please contact your Category Manager

The preferred method to submit an invoice is through our Oracle Supplier Portal.

Submit invoices to

Payment terms begin when the invoice has all of the required information allowing the data to flow into Oracle Accounts Payable. 

Your first course of action is to log into your Constellation Oracle Supplier Portal for real-time invoice and payment status viewing. If you don’t yet have access to your portal, or prefer to email AP,  please email your inquiry to and attach copies of the invoices you are inquiring about.  Having copies of the invoice(s) better allows us to be sure we can support you properly.  Please allow 3-5 business days after emailing your invoice before making an inquiry.

Below are the minimum requirements for processing of an invoice (not submitted via eInvoicing).

At minimum, the invoice should clearly label and display the following:

Purchase Order # or Contract #

Release # (where applicable)

CPA # (where applicable)

Unique Invoice #

Dollar Amount

An invoice must be consistent with the Purchase Order that was issued, including reference to PO line number, Unit of Measure and CatalogID (if applicable). For example: If the Purchase Order is setup with a unit of measure of feet (FT), it is required that the invoice bills in FT (vs. each or EA).

Invoices not including the required information will be returned to the supplier and will require the supplier to resubmit a corrected invoice. ​​

No. The scanning tool will only read one of the invoices attached. Each email should be for only one invoice. Also, be sure your invoice includes only one Purchase Order or Contract number, CPA number (if applicable), and Release number (if applicable). 

Purchase orders must include​​ a valid and open Purchase Order number and Release number (if applicable).

Contracts must include a valid and open Contract number, CPA number (if applicable),  and Release number (if applicable).

Your first course of action is to log into your Constellation Oracle Supplier Portal for real-time invoice and payment status viewing. If you don’t yet have access to your portal, or prefer to email AP,  please email your inquiry to and attach copies of the invoices you are inquiring about.  Having copies of the invoice(s) better allows us to be sure we can support you properly. 

​No. Checks are generated off-site​

Online transactions which Constellation supports via Electronic Data Interface (EDI):

  • Purchase Orders (EDI 850)
  • Purchase Order Revisions (EDI 860)
  • Purchase Order Acknowledgments (EDI 855)
  • Material Invoices (EDI 810)

These tools reduce manual business processes, which in turn reduce data entry errors, create a shortened supply chain cycle time and enable better integration with suppliers.

With thousands of suppliers already engaged, we encourage you to determine if you meet our requirements and use these online tools.

If you are currently set up to invoice Constellation using our EDI connections, then all emailed or mailed invoices will be rejected.  This is to reduce the instances of duplicate invoices received. 

Yes, Please contact ​for specific instructions. 

Please email for instructions.

Yes, Please contact​ ​for specific instructions.​

Contact eBusiness Support at

Please include the following required information:

  • Company Name and Point of Contact (POC)
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

The preferred method to submit an invoice is through our Oracle Supplier Portal.

Submit invoices to

Payment terms begin when the invoice has all of the required information allowing the data to flow into Oracle Accounts Payable. 

Your first course of action is to log into your Constellation Oracle Supplier Portal for real-time invoice and payment status viewing. If you don’t yet have access to your portal, or prefer to email AP,  please email your inquiry to and attach copies of the invoices you are inquiring about.  Having copies of the invoice(s) better allows us to be sure we can support you properly.  Please allow 3-5 business days after emailing your invoice before making an inquiry.

Below are the minimum requirements for processing of an invoice (not submitted via eInvoicing).

At minimum, the invoice should clearly label and display the following:

Purchase Order # or Contract #

Release # (where applicable)

CPA # (where applicable)

Unique Invoice #

Dollar Amount

An invoice must be consistent with the Purchase Order that was issued, including reference to PO line number, Unit of Measure and CatalogID (if applicable). For example: If the Purchase Order is setup with a unit of measure of feet (FT), it is required that the invoice bills in FT (vs. each or EA).

Invoices not including the required information will be returned to the supplier and will require the supplier to resubmit a corrected invoice. ​​

No. The scanning tool will only read one of the invoices attached. Each email should be for only one invoice. Also, be sure your invoice includes only one Purchase Order or Contract number, CPA number (if applicable), and Release number (if applicable). 

Purchase orders must include​​ a valid and open Purchase Order number and Release number (if applicable).

Contracts must include a valid and open Contract number, CPA number (if applicable),  and Release number (if applicable).

Supplier Quick Links

Accounts Payable Inquiries
​​​​​​​​8 am - 5 pm ET,​ Monday through Friday

Invoice Processing
If not enrolled in Electronic Invoicing, Constellation’s preferred method of invoice submittal is through our Oracle Supplier Portal. Contact to get access.

Technical Support for Electronic Data Interface (EDI) Suppliers

Supplier Development and Engagement

General Inquiries
​For category manager contact information, please see our Category Manager Contact Information.
For corporate and media contacts, please visit our Contact Us page.​
To report an ethics concern, please visit the Constellation Ethics Help Line​.