Prospective Suppliers

A Relationship with Constellation Starts Here

Constellation has a supplier-sourcing database. We want your business in that database, with a profile you create that helps us know your business and the ways in which you might help ours. Once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation message from the system that you have successfully created a supplier profile.

When you register and create a profile, your company is simply brought to our attention.


Being registered implies no promise of a contract or contracts.

Registration allows Constellation to more easily identify potential suppliers whom Constellation may want to choose to participate in a sourcing event and compete for work. Contract awards follow Constellation’s established procedures for competitive bidding, evaluation and negotiation. The steps in the competitive bidding process include a thorough financial and quality assurance evaluation to ensure suitability with Constellation’s standards of excellence. Registration does not imply a promise by Constellation to either include a supplier in a sourcing event or enter into a contract(s) for work.



How you become an approved bidder for Constellation business.

Constellation sourcing professionals search the sourcing database to identify potential bidders when a future need for services or materials is identified. As we seek to enhance our relationship with premier suppliers, we also look for opportunities to build partnerships with new suppliers who are environmentally responsible with a keen focus on safety and superior quality. If your company matches our search criteria an additional request for information (RFI) may be issued for clarifications and additional detail; or a formal solicitation to participate in a sourcing event may be issued. In all cases, you will receive an email notification inviting you to participate should the opportunity arise.

Download our Environmental RFP Questionnaire

You can sign in anytime you like to edit or update your profile.

Materials and Services we purchase

A complete list of Categories of the services and materials that we purchase is available using the link below. If you have an urgent question, select the Category Manager that best describes your business. You’ll find their name and email address.

Category Manager Contacts

Supply Category Glossary


Supplier Quick Links.

Accounts Payable Inquiries
​​​​​​​​8 am - 5 pm ET​, Monday through Friday

Invoice Processing
If not enrolled in Electronic Invoicing, Constellation’s preferred method of invoice submittal is through our Oracle Supplier Portal. Contact to get access.

Technical Support - EDI & eInvoicing

Supplier Development and Engagement

General Inquiries
For category manager contact information, please see our Category Manager Contact Information.
For corporate and media contacts, please visit our Contact Us page.
To report an ethics concern, visit the Constellation Ethics Help Line​.


Create your profile now to view your purchase orders and invoices and also manage your company's information.


Register here as a 'Payment-only' vendor who is not providing contracted Services or Materials.


Create your sourcing profile here. It's a simple, quick, no-cost process. We're glad you're interested in doing business with Constellation. Email - Phone - USA: (732) 307-8731