E2 Energy to Educate

Developing Tomorrow’s Energy Leaders, Today

Through the E2 Energy to Educate grant program, Constellation offers students from sixth grade through college opportunities to address the energy challenges of today and tomorrow. Grant funds support projects designed to enhance students’ understanding of science and technology and inspire them to think differently about energy. Since the program's inception in 2010, nearly $6,000,000 in grant dollars have supported more than 290,000 students' learning nationwide.

Identify a project that reaches at least 100 students and aligns with the Constellation Energy to Educate Innovation Themes:




Sample Topics

Access in Energy

How can we empower and engage underrepresented groups in the energy sector, and inspire students from all socioeconomic groups to pursue STEM and energy careers? Projects showcase effective strategies to support increased access to good-paying careers the energy industry, and to deliver clean energy solutions to underserved and underrepresented communities. Projects may also address how they can advance environmental justice and economic inclusion in the energy transition.

  • Energy Careers and Workforce Development
  • Energy Projects for Underserved Communities
  • Environmental Justice


Sustainability   Amidst Growing Energy Needs


As global energy consumption rises, the quest for sustainable solutions becomes increasingly critical. Innovations in electrification, transportation and artificial intelligence are poised to revolutionize energy usage in homes and communities, and can help address climate change. Projects show the enhancement of existing products or new technologies for a cleaner energy future, and how we can pave the way for a more sustainable world through decarbonization and energy-efficient choices.  Projects may also showcase artificial intelligence as a pivotal ally in both pioneering new advancements and refining existing technologies.

  •  Electric Vehicles
  • Clean Energy Choices
  • Carbon Capture
  • Smart Home Technology Adoption Programs
  • Smart Home Energy Improvements
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Home Energy Data
  • Artificial Intelligence Aided Technology

Nuclear Technology & Clean Energy

How can we harness the power of nuclear technology and other forms of zero carbon generation to address the climate crisis, using innovative and cutting-edge solutions, such as advanced nuclear, zero carbon energy generation systems, and smart energy storage devices? Projects should show how they can create positive impacts for society, economy, and environment, and how they can collaborate with various stakeholders, such as businesses, schools, governments, and communities, to scale up their solutions and pilot programs.

  • Low Carbon Energy, Clean Energy Sources & Technologies
  • Energy Advocacy, Sustainability
  • Program Design
  • Waste to Energy
  • Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology
  • Scalable technology (micro hydro generation, etc.)
  • Onsite Generation & Storage
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fission
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Fuel Cells



  • Grant awards are up to $25,000 for grades 6-12 and up to $50,000 for colleges and universities
  • Returning awardees may reapply if all prior grant requirements are completed
  • Fill out the online application form by clicking on the "Apply Now" button on the website
  • Proposals are due October 1 annually and announced each November during American Education Week


Grant Conditions

  • By submitting an application, you are agreeing to:
  • Approve the release of the organization/project name, logo and primary purpose/activity information and photos for Constellation marketing use on any form of media
  • Notify and receive approval from Constellation for the use of the Constellation name or logo on any form of media associated with the request.
  • Notify Constellation immediately in the event funding for the item(s) requested is committed or received from another source or if the event is cancelled or changed in any way.
  • Provide report or testimonial, including photos, after your project or event is complete 


Through the E2 Energy to Educate grant program, Constellation offers students from sixth grade through college opportunities to address the energy challenges of today and tomorrow. Grant funds support projects designed to enhance students’ understanding of science and technology and inspire them to think differently about energy. Since the program's inception in 2010, nearly $6,000,000 in grant dollars have supported more than 290,000 students' learning nationwide.

Identify a project that reaches at least 100 students and aligns with the Constellation Energy to Educate Innovation Themes:




Sample Topics

Access in Energy

How can we empower and engage underrepresented groups in the energy sector, and inspire students from all socioeconomic groups to pursue STEM and energy careers? Projects showcase effective strategies to support increased access to good-paying careers the energy industry, and to deliver clean energy solutions to underserved and underrepresented communities. Projects may also address how they can advance environmental justice and economic inclusion in the energy transition.

  • Energy Careers and Workforce Development
  • Energy Projects for Underserved Communities
  • Environmental Justice


Sustainability   Amidst Growing Energy Needs


As global energy consumption rises, the quest for sustainable solutions becomes increasingly critical. Innovations in electrification, transportation and artificial intelligence are poised to revolutionize energy usage in homes and communities, and can help address climate change. Projects show the enhancement of existing products or new technologies for a cleaner energy future, and how we can pave the way for a more sustainable world through decarbonization and energy-efficient choices.  Projects may also showcase artificial intelligence as a pivotal ally in both pioneering new advancements and refining existing technologies.

  •  Electric Vehicles
  • Clean Energy Choices
  • Carbon Capture
  • Smart Home Technology Adoption Programs
  • Smart Home Energy Improvements
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Home Energy Data
  • Artificial Intelligence Aided Technology

Nuclear Technology & Clean Energy

How can we harness the power of nuclear technology and other forms of zero carbon generation to address the climate crisis, using innovative and cutting-edge solutions, such as advanced nuclear, zero carbon energy generation systems, and smart energy storage devices? Projects should show how they can create positive impacts for society, economy, and environment, and how they can collaborate with various stakeholders, such as businesses, schools, governments, and communities, to scale up their solutions and pilot programs.

  • Low Carbon Energy, Clean Energy Sources & Technologies
  • Energy Advocacy, Sustainability
  • Program Design
  • Waste to Energy
  • Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology
  • Scalable technology (micro hydro generation, etc.)
  • Onsite Generation & Storage
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fission
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Fuel Cells



  • Grant awards are up to $25,000 for grades 6-12 and up to $50,000 for colleges and universities
  • Returning awardees may reapply if all prior grant requirements are completed
  • Fill out the online application form by clicking on the "Apply Now" button on the website
  • Proposals are due October 1 annually and announced each November during American Education Week


Grant Conditions

  • By submitting an application, you are agreeing to:
  • Approve the release of the organization/project name, logo and primary purpose/activity information and photos for Constellation marketing use on any form of media
  • Notify and receive approval from Constellation for the use of the Constellation name or logo on any form of media associated with the request.
  • Notify Constellation immediately in the event funding for the item(s) requested is committed or received from another source or if the event is cancelled or changed in any way.
  • Provide report or testimonial, including photos, after your project or event is complete 


The 2024 Application cycle is now open, use this link to apply today!

When logging in, please use the "Standard Login" Option. Note:  Application deadline is October 1st. 



For examples of winning projects, please check out the 2023 selected projects  here.

Looking for more details on the program? Visit the innovation themes & eligibility tab above to find our grant requirements, innovation themes and more!


E² Energy to Educate: UMD Sustainable Home


E² Energy to Educate: Solar One & Global Learning Collaborative


E² Energy to Educate: Albany State University Alternative Energy Summer Camp