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Feb 11, 2025
Nuclear: An Ideal Foundation for Our Clean Energy Future
Located in Lusby, Maryland, Calvert Cliffs Clean Energy Center’s two nuclear reactors can produce up to 1,790 megawatts (MW) of clean, carbon-free energy, enough electricity to power the equivalent of more than 1.3 million homes. The site is home to a well-cared-for Champion Chestnut Oak, which is listed in the American Forests national register.
U.S. nuclear energy facilities are initially licensed to operate for 40 years and a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rule allows licensees to apply for initial and subsequent license renewals of up to 20 years each after the initial 40-year term. The NRC approved initial license renewal on March 23, 2000, authorizing Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 to operate through 2034 and Unit 2 to operate through 2036.
Safety is Constellation’s first and most critical obligation. Nuclear power plants are among the best-protected private sector facilities in America, with monitoring and inspections by plant owners, local officials, and the federal government.
Learn more about the measures that we take to keep our employees, customers, and communities safe.
Calvert Cliffs Clean Energy Center has been part of Lusby, Maryland and its surrounding communities for more than 40 years. We provide hundreds of well-paying jobs and millions of dollars in economic support, including about $22.8 million in taxes annually for schools, roads and other public services.
Calvert Cliffs Clean Energy Center is referenced in legal and regulatory filings as Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.
Click the links below to jump directly to that section.
Emergency Planning Zones
The following zone descriptions will help you determine your zone. Knowing your zone number could be important in an emergency. If state or local officials direct residents to take shelter or to evacuate, the Emergency Alert System message broadcast over local radio stations and local public access cable television stations will identify the affected areas by zone number.
Zone 1
Bordered by Calvert Beach Road to the north; the Chesapeake Bay to the east; southern boundaries include Breeden Road/Sollers Wharf Road/Old Mill Road/Hellen Creek/St. Paul Branch/Route 497/Calvert Cliffs State Park; bordered by Route 2 and 4/St. Leonard Creek to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 1:
Calvert Beach, Calvert Beach Estates, Flag Harbor, Long Beach, Walnut Cove, White Sands, Fort Hill and Mosley Acres.
Zone 1 Includes:
Southern Middle School, St. Leonard Elementary School, Calvert Cliffs State Park, Flag Ponds Nature Park and Camp Bay Breeze.
Zone 2
Northern boundaries include Route 2 and 4/Governor Run Road; eastern boundaries include Chesapeake Bay/Route 2 and 4/St. Leonard Creek; southern boundaries include Calvert Beach Road and Patuxent River; bordered by Broomes Island Road/Nan Cove to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 2:
Kenwood Beach, Western Shores, Western Shores Estates, Hillside Manor, Chippingwood, Lancaster Hill, Maryland Gardens, Matapeake, Halls Hacienda, Broomes Island, Wallville, Home Place, Forest Glade, Mackall Estates, Ross Woods, Island Creek, Wallville Acres, Nostalgia, Another Place, St. Leonard Shores, Cape Leonard, Summer Solitude Estates, B Division, Old Glory, Oriole Landing, Mackall, August Run and Lost Mill.
Zone 2 Includes:
Mutual Elementary School, Rock Christian Academy, Jefferson Patterson Park, Calvert Beach Park and Norris Cove Camp.
Zone 3
Northern boundaries include Breeden Road/Sollers Wharf Road/Old Mill Road/Hellen Creek/St. Paul Branch/Route 497/Calvert Cliffs State Park; bordered by the Chesapeake Bay to the east; bordered by the Patuxent River to the south and west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 3:
Cove Point Beach, Cove of Calvert, Cove Point, Park Chesapeake Cove Estates, Brianwood, Chesapeake Ranch Estates, Drum Point, Solomons Landing, Solomons, Mill Creek, Harbour Light Beach, River View, Preston Point, Green Hills, Appeal, Hemlock Estates, Trueman Pointe, Cove View, Spruce Hill, Hellen Creek Estates, Hoopers Neck, Spring Cove, Coster, Newtown, Carol Court, Old Hickory, Chesapeake Woods, St. Johns Woods, Olivewoods, Olivet, Dowell, Asbury and Rousby Hall.
Zone 3 Includes:
Appeal Elementary School, Patuxent Elementary School, Patuxent Head Start, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Dowell Elementary, Mill Creek Middle School, Patuxent High School Cove Point Park, Southern Community Center and the U.S. Naval Recreation Center at Solomons.
Zone 4
Bordered by Route 2 and 4 to the north; Broomes Island Road/Nan Cove to the east; the Patuxent River to the south; Route 231/Adelina Road/Sheridan Road to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 4:
Westlake, Woodridge, Barstow, Chapel Hill, German Chapel Woods, Patuxent Woods, Pine Trailer Park, Valley Lee, Bowens, Goodwin, Cypress Knolls, Whispering Woods, Mutual Estates, Mutual, Emerald Cove, Honey Cove Estates, Adelina, Harbor Hills, Long Cove Estates, Williams Wharf Plantation, Williams Wharf, Briscoe, Parkers Wharf, Hellen, Wells Cove, Oakland Hall and Patuxent Reach.
Zone 4 Includes:
Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Nature Center.
Zone 5
Bordered by Dares Beach Road/Cassell Road to the north; the Chesapeake Bay to the east; Governor Run Road to the south; Tobacco Ridge Road to Calvert County property gate/Main Street at Monitor Way to Calvert Towne/Route 2 and 4 to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 5:
Chesapeake Heights on the Bay, Dares Beach, Pendleton, Windcliff, Bayfield Farm, Bay Terrace, Hidden Valley, Calvert Towne, Parker Creek Knolls, Scientists Cliffs, Elen Acres, Port Republic, Mountain Laurel Manor and Oak Tree Landing.
Zone 6
Bordered by the Patuxent River to the north; Hollywood Road/Sotterly Gate Road to the east; Brooks Run to the south; Cat Creek Road/Sandgates Road/Route 235/Clover Hill Road/McIntosh Road/Riva Ridge Drive/McIntosh Run to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 6:
Hollywood, Queen Tree Landing, Sandgates, Riverwood Farms, Hollywood Shores, Winterseat, St. Mary’s Beach, Sotterly Manor, Fenwick Manor, Gillens Grove, Land-O-Lakes, Holly Gaf Acres, Drumcliff and Hillville.
Zone 6 Includes:
St. Mary’s Development Center, Three Notch Park, Judge P. H. Dorsey Memorial Park and Sotterly Mansion.
Zone 7
Bordered by the Patuxent River to the north; Patuxent River Naval Air Station to the east; Brooks Run/Broad Run/Hayden Road/St. Mary’s County Airport Drive/Cottonwood Parkway/Wildewood Parkway/Saint Andrews Church Road/Route 235 to the south; Hollywood Road/Sotterly Road to the west.
Examples of Communities in Zone 7:
California, St. Cuthbert Wharf, Clarks Landing, Scotch Point, Myrtle Point, Mill Cove, Mill Cove Manor, Kingston Manor, Holly Haven, Town Creek, Town Point, Esperanza Farms, Town Creek Manor, Town Creek Farm, Cal Acres, North Town Creek Manor, Woodland Acres, Wildewood, Middle Earth, Red Hill, Peacock Manor, Broad Run and Estates at Joy Chapel.
Zone 7 Includes:
Hollywood Elementary School, St. John’s Elementary School, Town Creek Elementary School, Esperanza Middle School, Green Holly Elementary School, Greenwell State Park, Forest Landing Recreation Area, St. Mary’s Industrial Park and Historic Sotterly Plantation.
Zone 8
Includes all of Taylor’s Island, Smithville and residents on Meekins Neck Road, Smithville Road (north of Beaver Dam Creek), and Route 16 (west of Parsons Creek).
Reception Centers and Mass-Care Centers
If you are asked to evacuate, you should go to the nearest Reception Center. You will be registered at the center. Equipment will be available to check for increased levels of radiation.
Calvert County
Reception Center:
Huntingtown High School
4125 N. Solomons Island Road
Huntingtown, MD 20639
Mass-Care Center:
After registering and monitoring is complete at the Reception Center, Calvert County evacuees who need temporary shelter will be directed to a designated Mass-Care Center.
Dorchester County
Reception Center:
Dorchester Career & Technology Center
2465 Cambridge Beltway
Cambridge, MD 21613
Mass-Care Center:
After registering and monitoring is complete at the Reception Center, Dorchester County evacuees who need temporary shelter will be directed to a designated Mass-Care Center.
St. Mary’s County
Points south of the Calvert Cliffs Clean Energy Center proceed to St. Mary’s County Reception Center.
Reception Center:
Leonardtown High School
23995 Point Lookout Road
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Mass-Care Center:
After registering and monitoring is complete at the Reception Center, St. Mary’s County evacuees who need temporary shelter will be directed to a designated Mass-Care Center.
Shadow Evacuation
Persons should only evacuate when instructed to do so. Evacuation of individuals not within the declared evacuation area could impede evacuation traffic flow. Monitor the radio or TV and prepare to follow instructions.
Staged Evacuation
You may be instructed to shelter-in-place until people in a higher risk area are evacuated. Monitor the radio or TV and prepare to follow instructions.
Information for Farmers
When advised to do so, remove all livestock from pasture, shelter if possible and provide them with stored feed and protected water. The county U.S. Department of Agriculture representative will provide further instructions regarding the protection of livestock and foodstuffs.
School Information
If your child’s school is in session at the time evacuation is recommended, children attending schools located within the Emergency Planning Zone will be transported to designated host schools outside the area. They will remain under supervision until picked up by parents or guardians. These host schools have been planned to coincide with main evacuation routes. Children whose homes are inside the Emergency Planning Zone, but who attend school outside the emergency planning zone, will not be sent home if an evacuation is recommended. They will either remain at the school or be transported to a host school or a mass care facility and be under supervision until picked up by parents or guardians. Contact school officials for more information.
Non-Public School and Day Care Information
Parents and guardians with children attending non-public schools or day care facilities within the Emergency Planning Zone should become familiar with the facilities’ emergency plans. Contact the facility operator for more information.
Keep listening to your radio or TV for the latest information and instructions. Remain calm. Do not rush.
The Emergency Alert System will provide you with official information in case of tornadoes, floods, nuclear plant accidents or other emergencies. Turn on your radio or TV for official information and instructions.
Emergency Alert Radio Stations:
Western Shore:
Eastern Shore:
Western Shore:
Eastern Shore:
Warning Sirens:
If you hear a siren, you should tune to one of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) stations listed in this site for official information. The sirens are full volume tested semi-annually in June and December. A monthly test is also conducted which operates the sirens for less than one minute. A siren may malfunction and inadvertently sound. If you feel a siren is malfunctioning, please contact your county emergency management officials at the numbers below:
Public Inquiry Telephone Numbers (During Emergencies Only)
Siren Malfunction
A siren may malfunction and inadvertently sound. Some indications of a siren malfunction are a siren sounding for more than five minutes, or a siren sounding with no accompanying message on the Emergency Alert System.
During normal business hours:
Calvert County Division of Emergency Management
175 Main Street
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
(410) 535-1600 ext. 2638
St. Mary’s County Department of Emergency Services
23090 Leonard Hall Drive
P.O. Box 653
Leonardtown, MD 20650
(301) 475-4200 ext. *2123
Dorchester County Emergency Management Division
829 Fieldcrest Road
Cambridge, MD 21613
(410) 228-1818
Maryland Department of Emergency Management
State Emergency Operations Center,
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive
Reisterstown, MD 21136
(410) 517-3600
Emergency Preparedness Unit
Calvert Cliffs Clean Energy Center
1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway
Lusby, MD 20657
Nuclear power plant licensees, including Constellation, are required by the federal government to provide emergency planning information to the public annually.
Constellation provides emergency planning information to the public by mailing postcards to all homes and businesses within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone surrounding each nuclear plant. The postcard has this website address along with a number to request a printed brochure.
This website is designed to provide emergency planning information in an interactive electronic format compatible with your smart phone or personal computer.
A PDF copy of the public information brochure can be downloaded below. It is recommended that you download an electronic copy of the brochure and save it to your phone or computer for reference in the event of an Internet outage during an emergency. You may also print a copy for your reference. If you do not have a printer, please call Constellation at (800) 220-2159 for a printed brochure.
Download Brochure